My own Cars moment

Anyone who has ever searched for something related to web development has run into Chris. He runs the blog CSS-Tricks, as well as Code Pen, and the podcast Shop Talk Show. He’s like your own personal Mr. Miyagi in a can—always available to pop out when you need advice. He is now one of my heroes as he has unknowingly become something of a mentor on my path to front-end web development competence.

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Meeting Your Heroes

We all have moments that shape our lives to take us in different directions. For some people, it might be reading a particular book; for others, it might be hearing an influential talk; and for others, it might be just meeting someone. We often don’t realize in the moment that we are being transformed, but as we look back on our lives, it is easy to pick out those turning points. It can be dangerous when those turning points are so closely aligned with people that they become heroes to us. The danger is that they are human, and the possibility of eventual disappointment is huge.

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Why I Sketchnote: Confessions of a Compulsive Note-Taker

I love to write. Not the novel-creating, prize-winning kind of writing, just the act of scratching a pen across paper. Growing up as a child, I wrote all kinds of things and found that I enjoyed playing with letters. My dad is something of an artist, and I always dreamed that I would be too, but that seemed to elude me. Writing though—that was something I could do. My penmanship improved in direct proportion to the number of girls that I “fell in like” with as I wrote each one fresh new reams of notes expressing my undying, albeit fleeting, affection.

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